Templar cross of Jerusalem in steel | croix templière de Jérusalem en acier | cruz templaria de Jerusalén en acero

Steel Cross of the Templars of Jerusalem

The Steel Jerusalem Templar Cross, also known as the Empowered Cross or Crusader Cross, is a significant Christian symbol with a rich history and profound religious meaning.


Originating in the 12th century during the Crusades, the cross was a symbol of faith and bravery for Christian knights. It later became the emblem of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and was adopted by several chivalric orders.


The Jerusalem Cross is a Greek cross adorned with four smaller crosses at the ends of the arms. Each symbol carries a specific meaning:

  • Greek cross: Represents Christ’s victory over death.
  • Four minor crosses: Symbolize the four gospels, the evangelists, or the wounds of Christ.
  • Red colour: Recalls the blood of Christ shed for humanity’s salvation.


The Jerusalem Cross symbolizes:

  • Christian faith: Christ’s victory over evil and death.
  • Valor and courage: The fighting spirit of Christian knights.
  • Protection: A symbol of defense against evil forces.
  • Unity: Communion among Christians of different languages and cultures.

In the Bible:

The cross is a central symbol in the Bible, associated with the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Its shape recalls the instrument used for His crucifixion, but it also becomes a sign of hope and redemption for humanity.

In Christianity:

The cross is the most widespread symbol of Christianity, representing faith in Christ and His sacrifice for the world’s salvation. It is used in various forms and in different religious contexts.


The Jerusalem Cross remains a vital symbol for Christianity, uniting history, faith, and values in a single icon.


  • Height: 2.8cm
  • Width: 2.8cm
  • Thickness: 1mm
  • Weight: 5 grams
  • Material: Hypoallergenic 316L steel guaranteed for life and does not blacken
  • Specifications: It does not blacken, is resistant to acids and perfumes, is unalterable, and comes with a lifetime guarantee.